Advanced training techniques

Well folks, I've finally reached a point where typical sets of anything from 5 to 20 reps just isn't giving me the sort of physique response I'm after.  I am getting stronger every week - no doubts there, but my training buddy and I are finally at a stage of development that requires higher intensity and more time under tension.

I love my meat and potatoes workouts. I love stripping it down to big basics and grinding out more reps at a given weight, then adding a little more weight the next session. The problem is, I've reached a point where that method is more taxing on my connective tissue than my muscle tissue.  Here's what we did today for Shoulders and Arms:

  1. Shoulder super set:
    a. Seated overhead press: 5 sets, pyramiding up in weight. 6th set was push presses with a 5 second negative
    b. Isolation work (either lateral raise, prone raise, or front raise after every set of presses)
  2. Biceps superset:
    a. Incline dumbbell curl: 3 x 8
    b. Alternating hammer curl: 3 x 10
    HOLY CRAP!!!!!  Most acute bicep  fatigue I've ever felt.  Amazing!!!   Thank you Paul Carter
  3. Tricep superset:
    a. Overhead dumbbell extension: 3 x 10
    b. Dumbbell skull crusher: 3 x 10
  4. Crazy 8s
    a. EZ bar curl: 8 x 8
    b. Diamond pushup (tried for 8x8 but my wrist started hurting pretty bad.  I stopped at 4 sets)
    Vince Gironda special. This one is shockingly difficult. The pump is incredible.  Keep your rest to basically 0 and just go till all sets are done.


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