I LOVE fighting

I've been back at the boxing gym for two weeks, and I'm loving it as much as when I was competing.  Having cut down to a rock solid 197 makes a world of difference.  My stamina is about as good as it was when I competed at 187.

Here is how Tuesday's workout went:

  1. Jump rope x 6 rounds (3min /30sec)
  2. MetCon: 3 rounds of
    a. tire flip x 6
    b. tire jump (like box jump) x 10
    c. sledgehammer smash x 20 (10 per side)
  3. Ab circuit 5 rounds of
    a. weight overhead situp x 10
    b. trashcans x 10
    c. leg raises x 10
  4. Mitts:  I was holding for others, not working mitts.  Maybe 6 - 8 rounds
  5. Heavy bag:  Now for the good stuff!!!!  3 rounds
My ideal boxing schedule will look like this:

- Stamina Day:
  1. run: 2 miles
  2. jump rope: 3 rounds
  3. Bodyweight circuit: 4 rounds (details could vary)
    a. pushup x 25
    b. Russian twist x 20
    c. Alternating jump lunges x 20
    d. Handstand pushups x 5 - 10
  4. Shadowboxing or partner drills:  3 rounds
  5. Mitts:  4 rounds
  6. Heavy bag: 3 rounds, focusing on work output
- Power Day:
  1. run: 1 mile
  2. MetCon: 3-5 rounds of
    a. tire flip x 10
    b. tire jump x 10
    c. plyo pushup x 5
    d. Sledge hammer smash x 20 (10each side)
    e. pike jump x 5
  3. Heavy bag
    a. 4 rounds focusing on power
    b. 3 rounds at fight pace and movement
    c. 1 round burnout


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