2 FEB: HG prep workout

2 hours of throwing and some conditioning.  As usual, the tire sled smoked everyone.  :)

  1. standing put:  12 lbs warm up - maybe a dozen throws
  2. standing put:  16 lbs - maybe a dozen throws
  3. Open Stone:  16 lbs - another dozen or so throws
  4. Light weight for distance: 24lbs - probably a couple dozen attempts
  5. Weight over bar:  46lbs - maybe a dozen throws till it broke.  :(

  1. Sled drag:  30 second sprint with 65lbs (my son got to ride in the tire), walk back
  2. Sled drag: 30 second sprint with 110lbs (my son + 45lb plate), walk back
  3. Atlas stone clean and press:  2 reps.  I was totally smoked.


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