Seven times seventy times!

I know this answer was originally to the question "How many times must I forgive?" My question, with this same answer is "How many times must I start over?"

I was sick for just over 3 weeks, and then a work conference the following week meant I didn't do JACK for a month.

I'm in no place to worry about split routines, or hypertrophy, or even maximal strength and explosiveness. I just need to get fit again, and fast.

Monday, 5 MAR, was my first REAL training session in a month, and it was difficult. My weights were light and my rest intervals were long. My throat is still irritated so all the heavy breathing made me cough incessantly through the session.

My results, though poor, are a starting point:

Noon: 3 mile walk

PM strength work:

  1. Bench press: 145 x 5; 165 x 5; 185 x 7

  2. Superset:
    a. Wide grip bent row: 115 x 10, 10, 10
    b. pushup: x 10, 10, 10

  3. Deadlift: 205 x 5; 245 x 5; 285 x 3

  4. T-bell swing: 73 x 10, 10, 2

  5. skipped abs.


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