04 SEP: Fight conditioning

Gosh its been a while since I did some hard core conditioning!!! My thighs were weak coming in from the train sessions on Tuesday and Wednesday. My friend Andy is the "ring leader" of our sparring group. He was so eager to get to it that we skipped right over warm ups and just started banging!

6 rounds of sparring (3 mins on, 30 seconds rest)

Then we did conditioning which was scaled down from AJ's 8/28 WOD: http://arlenescrosspit.blogspot.com/2008/08/wod-82808.html

Workout: 40-20-20-10 reps. each of:
box jumps
dumbbell swing (30 lbs)

I BARELY got two circuits of 20. 40 was just not happening today!


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