13OCT2014: wk3-d2

Another amazing day!  I killed it as planned at the gym.  I'm such a massive fan of testing your 1RM, then training by planned %'s through out the training block.  Success breeds success.

After my normal warm-up including stomach vacuums and side planks, I diid the following:

  1. single leg box pistols:  52 total (getting less for shit with my left leg)
  2. deadlifts: warm-up sets: 135x5; 185x5; 225x5; 275x5; 315x1
    work sets: 345 x 1,1,1,1,1
  3. standing calf raises: 30 x 20,20,20
Yes my calves suck.  They are weak and stickly, and quite possibly sickly.  I'm alternating weeks of 3 x 20 with weeks of 5 x 10.  Calves seems to be responding after just 3 weeks.  after 8 weeks, I'll alternate weeks of 3 x 30 with weeks of 5 x 15


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