3 SEP: Kicking ass daily

Funny how lifting is my "rebound".  I mean, I always lift, even when in a relationship, but when I'm 100% truly single, lifting takes up the lion's share of my time (outside of father duties and work).

I'm killing it right now.  High volume, high frequency, very heavy.  Thankfully my diet and rest are allowing me to handle this without burnout.

Sunday AM: Off
Sunday PM:
  1. Dips / KB swings: 5 supersets
  2. Pullups / KB swings: 5 supersets
  3. Overhead press / KB swings: 5 supersets
  4. Incline db press / KB swings: 5 supersets
  5. Lateral raise drop set (4 drops)
  6. Skull crushers / alternating dumbbell curls: 8 supersets

Monday AM: sprints
Monday PM:
  1. TRX pistol squats
  2. 1-leg db deadlift
  3. Deadlift:  stack-5, 4, 3, 2, 1
  4. leg press:  3 x 30

Tue AM: walk
Tue PM:
  1. Dips / KB swings: 5 supersets
  2. Pullups / KB swings: 5 supersets
  3. Hammer strength rows / KB swings: 5 supersets
  4. EZ-bar curls / KB swings: 5 supersets
  5. Incline db curls / db overhead tricep extension: 8 supersets
Wed AM: 3-5 mile jog
Wed PM: Off

Thu AM: Sprints
Thu PM: 
  1. Dips / KB swings: 5 supersets
  2. Pullups / KB swings: 5 supersets
  3. Bench press / KB swings: 5 supersets
  4. db overhead press / KB swings: 5 supersets
  5. Lateral raise drop set (4 drops)
  6. Skull crushers / alternating dumbbell curls: 8 supersets
Fri AM: Walk
Fri PM: 
  1. TRX pistol squats
  2. 1-leg db deadlift
  3. Front squats:  stack-5, 4, 3, 2, 1
  4. Back squat:  3 x 30
Sat AM: 3-5 mile jog
Sat PM: Off


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