When life gives you lemons

You cut them in half, rub that shit on your corneas and scream "BRING IT!!!!!"

My weekend was definitely down and up.  And then back down.   But that's how you know what you are made of, if you are committed, and who owns your attitude.  I own my attitude, and my destiny.  I'm at least as strong as I've ever been, and stronger in some physical respects than ever.  Mentally and emotionally, I'm the rock of Gibraltar covered in adamantium-vibranium alloy armor.

I killed it this weekend.

2 hours of warm-up complexes with the bar and 95 lbs; cleans (countless singles at 185), dozens of Klokov complexes with 185, and tons of deadlifts working up to 365 for 8 reps.  Then we did a ton of farmers walks with 90lbs per hand.  Not the heaviest, but good solid finisher work.

  1. Agile 8 + back bridges
  2. warmup complex:
    a. bent row: 75 x 6
    b. RDL: 75 x 6
    c. jump shrug: 75 x 6
    d. high pull: 75 x 6
    e. clean: 75 x 6
    f. thruster: 75 x 6
  3. Clean:  185 x 1,1,1,1,1,1,1
  4. Squat:  245x6,6,6,6
  5. pullup:   BW x 7,6,5,4,3
  6. Overhead press:  155x3,3,3,3
  7. Plyo circuit
    a. med ball slam:  20lb x 5,5,5
    b. squat jump:  bw x 5,5,5
    c. plyo pushup: bw x 5,5,5
    d. weight plate corkscrew*: 25 x 5,5,5 each direction
    e. wall ball:  20lb x 5,5,5
*Weight plate corkscrew:  I did this one handed, imitating the mechanics of Highland Games Weight For Distance as closely as possible.  This HURTS in a good way.


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