
Last week of this phase and boy is it taking a toll!  I can't wait to switch it up.  Next week is a deload / MetCon week.  Everything is at my absolute maximal effort at the moment.

  1. Agile-8 + back bridges
  2. warm-up complex:
    a. bent row:  55x8
    b. RDL: 55x8
    c. jump shrug: 55x8
    d. high pull: 55x8
    e. clean: 55x8
    f. thruster: 55x8
  3. Clean-grip high pull:  165x3,3,3,3,3
  4. Front squat: 155x10,10,10,10
  5. a. Pullup: BW x 6,5,4,4,3
    b. 1-arm db OHP: 50x12/12, 12/12, 12/12
  6. Kroc row:  80 x 12/12
Too gassed to worry about bent row drop set of bench press drop set.


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