Self Discipline = Health and Wellness

So I've stopped focusing on strength and explosiveness for the time being.  I need to get fit.  I want to get lean.  I MUST get my knee fully recovered from surgery.

And my wife has decided she wants a divorce because she feels she has lost sense of herself and needs the freedom to explore herself and life without a husband.  That one was a blow, but I can show her genuine empathy.  We both had boundary issues and she had a tendency to be what she thought others wanted of her.  At this point, I just want her to be happy; whatever that may require.  I love you, Jaime, but I get that you need to leave.  Go with God.

So there's that.  But the anti-anxiety meds and balls-to-the-wall conditioning training have been doing wonders!!!!

I'm down to 218lbs and 14.8% body fat.  My goal is 10% by December 21st, my birthday.

My mantra for the foreseeable future is this:  Self Discipline.
I wake up at 5:00, pray for a while, take my dog for a walk, have a shake, get my kids ready for school, then head into the office (even though I'm remote).  I hit the gym before coming home when I don't have the kids, or in the garage when I have them.

I have given up alcohol and energy drinks again (FYI - redbull & vodka + anxiety = momentary insanity).

I have taken control of my finances and have more savings and less debt than at any point in my past.  I'm following the Dave Ramsey Financial Peace University plan, with the exception of building my credit scores (best of both worlds).

I am doing stupid long endurance work on my weekends without the kids (hiking & biking), and crazy "WODs" on Saturdays when I take my son to the skatepark.

Bottom Line
I am becoming self sufficient, self reliant, and more awesome than ever.  My kids get my attention, but so do my job and myself, and my God.  I am shortchanging no one.  Balance abounds.

With continued focus on mastering the daily tasks, the extrodinary tasks will become easier and more within reach.


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