13 OCT: Self Discipline

So it is October, and I have been living without my wife for 7 weeks.  We are separated and she wants a divorce.  I am fighting this perpetual urge to plead with her to NOT file for divorce.  We started out great, but alas, imperfect people can wreck any perfect gift. 

So now I am 2 months out of knee surgery, and I am able to train pretty well again, but my emotional funk has been more of a barrier than my physical state.

I have been praying to accept that it is over, but I am a warrior and a perpetual optimist.  I will fight for the sanctity of my marriage till the bitter end.  I told this woman forever, till death do us part.  She is going through her own set of emotional dilemmas, and I just want to convey that divorce is like suicide, in that it is a permanent solution to a temporary problem.

So with all that catharsis, I am back on track with my physical performance goals.  I have lost 25 pounds, and am trying to hit 12% BF by my 38th birthday, 12/21/2013.

Expect to see two-a-day workouts on this blog along with physco-self-analysis and perspective.  This blog has always been my outlet, and there is a direct correlation to my state of overall well being and consistency of blogging.

God bless,
Adrian Munoz

"Being warrior is not a simple matter of wishing to be one. It is rather an endless struggle that will go on to the very last moment of our lives. Nobody is born a warrior, just as nobody is born an average man. We make ourselves one or the other."


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