8JUL: Exercise my demons

Self doubt.  Self loathing.  Feeding myself negative thoughts.  I'll never be good enough.  I don't deserve anything good.  I should be made to suffer more.  I temporarily crushed all that with a solid workout.  I dialed my plan back to a more realistic level and will face each workout as a chance to just sweat and be consistent.  Today's work:

Mobility Warm-up:
a. Down dog to Cobra:  2 x 5 each
b. Inch worm to drop splits (working on ROM):  2 x 2 each
c. Windshield wipers:  2 x 5 each
2. Dumbbell windmill:  2 x 5 each with 35lb

Strength Circuits:
  1. Ladders
    a. dumbbell clean & press:  55 x 1-2-3/ 1-2-3/ 1-2-3
    b. pullups:  bodyweight x 1-2-3/ 1-2-3/ 1-2-3
    c. squat:  185 x 1-2-5/ 1-2-5/ 1-2-5
  2. Regular sets
    a. Dips:  BW x 5, 5, 5
    b. 1-arm power row:  80 x 5, 5, 5
    c. sumo deadlift:  185 x 5, 5, 5 (felt the stretch, but load was easy)
  3. Arms
    a. hammer curl:  25s x 12, 12, 12
    b. skull crusher + close grip bench press: 65 x 12+12, 12+12, 12+12
  4. Core circuit:
    a. plank x 30sec
    b. leg raise x 10
    c. windshield wiper x 10
    d. seated knee-in x 6


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