10JUL: Fat-loss circuits

Boy oh boy!  Using light weights for continuous movements is a great way to pump some blood, get your lungs working, and to burn some fat!.  Wednesday's session was great!  It was a challenge, but I'm ready to start adding some load and a 3rd circuit.

  1. Mobility warm-up:
    a. jump rope x 1min
    b. bear crawl x 10yds
    c. lateral crawl x 10 yds
    d. lateral lunge x 5 ea
  2. Fat-Loss circuit:
    a. curl:  45 x 5; 65 x 5
    b. bent row:  45 x 5; 65 x 5
    c. Romanian deadlift:  45 x 5; 65 x 5
    d. high pull:  45 x 5; 65 x 5
    e. hang snatch:  45 x 5; 65 x 5
    f. thruster:  45 x 5; 65 x 5
    g. overhead squat:  45 x 5; 65 x 5
    h. overhead shrug:  45 x 5; 65 x 5
    i. pushup x 5, 5
    j. dynamic side plank x 5, 5
    k. seated knee-in x 5, 5
    l. mountain climber x 10, 10
    m. burpee x 5, 5 (need to take this up to 10 reps)


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