12JUL: Crushed by light weights

It's only 97 degrees out but that, combined with my conditioning circuits, was enough to crush me.  I feel pretty good about getting 5 days of work this week, even if it was well under my max effort.

  1. Mobility warm-up:
    a. jumping jacks 2 x 25
    b. hindu pushups:  2 x 5
    c. inch worm + drop splits:  2 x 2ea
    d. windshield wiper + back bridge:  2 x 5ea
  2. Conditioning circuit 1:
    a. goblet squat:  45 x 15, 15, 15
    b. high wide bent row:  95 x 15, 15, 15
    c. pushups:  BW x 10, 12, 12
  3. Conditioning circuit 2:
    a. band assisted pullup:  3bands x 10, 10, 8
    b. Push press:  95 x 15, 12, 8
    c. KB swing:  80 x 10, 8, 8
  4. skipped arms and traps
  5. skipped abs.


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