03 DEC: Goofing around

I read an article called Core Training for Smart Folks yesterday. Since it was so damn cold outside, I figured I'd just do a little of this inside instead of my planned workout.

The basic synopsis of this article is that lower abdominal and transverse abdominal strength lead to a stronger back and can help correct or prevent excessive lordosis in the lumbar region of the spine, as well as pelvic tilt.

A suggested test is to see how well you can lower both legs without allowing your lower back to come off the floor. I got to about 5 inches off the ground, but doubt I could do any better unless I lost some 'backside'.

Of all the suggested exercise, the only one that offered a degree of difficulty was the single leg lowering. The off-balance nature of this seemed to target an injury I sustained to my groin last year during jiu jitsu sparring. Prior to this injury, I was doing "dragon flys" as well. Hopefully I can progress back to that level in 4-5 months of effort.


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