02 DEC: Boxing


I was very sore from Monday's workout, but after a few rounds of a boxing workout, the soreness went away. I can tell my overall power is up from from any point in the past, but I feel glued to the ground. My foot speed is atrocious. I'm hoping that doing more agility drills will help, but the bigger issue are my calves. They tire quickly. My Wednesday workouts will push calve endurance, but unless I get in sore serious roadwork, I don't think they'll get to the level of stamina I want.

The Workout:
12 rounds total: Each round set at 3 minute work, 1 minute rest
My girlfriend and I performed a 4 round circuit, and repeated it 3 times

  • 2 rounds of heavy bag
  • 2 rounds of double end bag

We finished off the workout with a 1 minute burnout drill. That's basically punching as fast as you possibly can for one minute without any rest.

Instead of double end bag, my girlfriend was doing one round each of shadow boxing and jump rope. My legs were so shot from Monday's workout that double end bag was all I could do. It was good to stay on my toes and focus on head movement.


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