Lever progressions

I've been working on the ability to hold a front lever. I'm still not there yet.  This picture is a still frame from a video of me getting there. I can pull to a nice parallel position, but the hold is just a millisecond.

How I got here:

  1. Planks, especially side planks
    I've noticed side planks really get deep into the abdonimal connection (insertion?) at my pelvic bone. Holding a side plank for a minute is becoming routine, if not completely easy.
  2. Parallel bar pikes
    These are much harder than leg raises, as they require total body tension. I've learned a great deal of body control.
  3. Toes to Bar
    I remember when I could OCCASIONALLY get 1 rep. These have become routine also, and I can bang out 10 or more now. The pikes really built my weak links and now I'm able to engage my abs much more.
  4. Dragon flys / Dragon flags
    I do a normal leg raise off the bench and then thrust my torso into the air so I'm supported on just my shoulders.  I accentuate the lowering, going as slow as I can manage.


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