Additional athleticism

I've just started on block II, and its going great.  I'm mastering the stability movements, increasing range of motion / mobility, and starting to add in a bit of evening running to prep for Spartan Super and Tough Mudder.

So what's the additional athleticism component?  Well....

1. Running
2. Power Cleans

Nothing sexy here.  Just following a REALLY simple 14 week running plan. I have more than 14 weeks till the races, but may as well build capacity now.

Power Cleans:
I'm just walking it up SLOWLY every Monday and Thursday
Monday: 95x5; 115x3; 135x2; 155x1; 165x1; 175x1
Thursday 115x5; 135x3; 155x2; 165x1; 175x1; 185x1

The volume here is low, and I'm doing it on Chest & Back day, but starting with an explosive movement fires up the CNS and makes moving heavier weights more fluid and efficient. These weights are REALLY easy.  I won't miss a rep


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