block2, week2, day1

Monday 13 FEB 2017

I have to say, all the focus on stability and mobility is paying HUGE dividends. I can almost perform a front lever, but I'm a few months away from holding it solidly.

  1. side planks: 1 minute per side
  2. Toes to bar, a few sets of 5 easy reps, then a few sets of front lever attempts
  3. a. chinup: bw x 3,3,3,2,1
    b. pushup x 5,5,5,5,5
  4. Clean: 125x5; 145x3; 165x2; 185x1,1,1
  5. Bench press: warmup up to 245 for an easy single, then 205x4,4,4,5; 155x20 (rest pause set)
  6. 1-arm dumbbell row: 70 x 10,10,10,10 per hand
Tonight: 2 mile run for time. Gonna be some serious suckiness.  


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