Successful completion of a phase

I set my sights low and blew it out of the water.  That may not sound like a huge accomplishment, but there is something to be said for "challenging but realistic" goal setting.

My training sessions were brief and I gradually ratched up the intensity, both by increased weights, and decreased rest periods.  I added running half way in and am now adapted to doing both activities twice a week with Parkour on Wednesdays.

Next phase is my own abbreviated beast mode.  I don't have time for 4-5 days in the gym.  I do have time to kill it in the gym on Mondays and Fridays.  Tuesday and Thursday remains running.  Wednesday remains parkour / bodyweight / kettlebell conditioning.  Saturday remains adventure day: hiking, biking, competitions, whatever.

I'll start publishing the details of my sessions again, as they will actually be noteworthy.


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