Steady progress

Yup, I may not be as bloggerific as I once was, but I've been training consistently the last 2 weeks.  The general flow has been this:

  • Monday: brief whole body workout, starting with a mini-metcon focusing on Abs, Biceps, and movement drill (e.g. burpees), then basic strength work, then super-setting lots of squats and pushups.
  • Tuesday:  Running
  • Wednesday:  Parkour gym, so lots of handstands, jumping, agility drills, swinging, tumbling, then killing myself for an hour with one or two kettlebells
  • Thursday: Running
  • Friday: brief whole body workout, starting with a mini-metcon focusing on Abs, Biceps, and movement drill (e.g. burpees), then basic strength work, then super-setting lots of squats and pushups.
  • Saturday:  Whatever challenge I can come up with.  Last weekend I went for a 6 mile hike carrying a 68 pound backpack.  This weekend, who knows.


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