19AUG: Still trying

Since I can't carry any real weight on my left leg yet, loading a barbell or using heavy enough dumbbells is out.  So I'm pretty much being an uber-nerd doing Nautilus and Hammer Strength machines at Gold's.  Today, laughably enough, was chest and tris.  Holy shit that sounds tool-ish.

  1. 10 minutes in the sauna - went through a litre of water
  2. Nautilus incline press:  100lbs x 5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5 (i.e. 10x5)
  3. Nautilus peck deck: 50lb x 10,10,10,10,10 (i.e. 5x10)
  4. Hammer Strength dip lever thingy:  50lb x 10 x 10
  5. Nautilus single arm overhead extension:  50 x 10 x 5 each


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