Current training template

This is a rock solid plan, that is heavily influenced by Robert Dos Remedios' Power Training templates. I'm currently only training 3 days per week, following an A-B-A / B-A-B rotation.

I begin every session with some form of explosive lifting; usually 5 singles of Clean, or Snatch, or High Pull varieties. This is just enough volume and sufficient variety to work up to a new PR every time I hit a given movement.

And as always, my arms lag well behind my torso and legs, so I have found a way to incorporate significant volume in a short amount of time. So far the results are promising. I may outgrown the T-rex look in the very near future. :)

When to use this plan:
This is ideal for me right now because I'm coming off a phase that was incredibly taxing. I was lifting high loads frequently. I needed a less intensive phase that would allow for a bit more recovery between sessions.

This plan is also good for people who are new to training or coming off a long lay-off. The volume and load starts out nice and manageable, and slowly picks up over the weeks.

The Layout:
There are two workouts in this training plan; A and B. On weeks 1 and 3, I'll train A, B, and A on alternating days (Mon, Wed, Fri). On weeks 2 and 4, I'll train B, A, and B on Mon, Wed, Fri.

Workout A (weeks 1 and 2):

  1. Explosive lift (any Clean-grip variant): 5 x 1

  2. Squat: 3 x 10

  3. 1-leg dumbbell deadlift: 2 x 12 per leg

  4. Horizontal superset:
    a. Bench press: 2 x 8
    b. 1-arm dumbbell row: 2 x 12

  5. Vertical superset:
    a. Overhead press: 2 x 8
    b. 1-arm pulldown: 2 x 12

  6. Dumbbell curl countdown (10right, 10left, 9right, 9left, etc. etc. 1right, 1left)

  7. Dumbbell cross-body extension countdown (10right, 10left, 9right, 9left, etc. etc. 1right, 1left)

  8. Rotation ab movement: Any variety for 2 x 12-20.

  9. T-bell swing: 1 x max (add 1-2 reps each session)

Workout B (weeks 1 and 2):

  1. Explosive lift (any Snatch-grip variant): 5 x 1

  2. Flat back goodmorning: 3 x 10

  3. 1-leg extension: 3 x 12

  4. Veritcal superset:
    a. Neutral grip pulldown: 2 x 8
    b. Prone incline lateral raise: 2 x 12

  5. Horizontal superset
    a. Bent row: 2 x 8
    b. "staple" pushup: 2 x 12-max

  6. Arms Countdown superset
    a. EZ-bar reverse grip curl: countdowns
    b. EZ-bar skull crusher: countdowns

  7. Frontal abdominal work: 2 x 20-max of any movement pattern

  8. T-bell swing: 1 x max (add 1-2 reps each session)

Weeks 3 and 4

During weeks 3 and 4, start the workout with abdominal work, and increase to 3 sets for Horizontal and Vertical supersets.

That's it. Simple, straight forward, and balanced. I'm using a 103lb t-bell for my swings. My record is 20 reps, but it really did a number on my spinal erectors. I'm only going so heavy to prep for Highland Games in November.


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