Squats fix everything

Work obligations keep cutting well into my evenings. I'm getting angry about it because I find myself spending less time with my wife and kids, and consequently, having less time to train. As frustrated as I was, I thought "Fuck working out. I want greasy pizza and cheap beer!" Thankfully, I convinced myself to train instead, and I'm glad of it.

I didn't have a plan, so I just hammered away on squats and dips. Squats fix everything! Heavy squats in particular.

  1. Squat: 135 x 10, 15; 185 x 10, 15; 205 x 10; 225 x 10, 5; 245 x 5; 265 x 5; 275 x 5;
    285 x 5
    I thought about working up to the 300 range, but I didn't want to risk yet another injury in 2011

  2. Dips: BW x 5, 5; +5lb x 5, 5; +10lbs x 5, 5; +15lbs x 5, 5; +20lbs x 5, 5; +25lbs x 5, 5, 5

That's all. Nothing fancy. Just heavy, head-clearing, spirit-raising work.


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