Paying a Pro

I LOVE trying out new training protocols. I love reading and researching what works best.  But above and beyond all that, I love making rapid, injury-free progress.  One of my long-time friends is a professional bodybuilder and former competitive powerlifter.  The guy is also a serious professional trainer who has helped countless athletes prepare for shows and competitions.

I'm half-way into week 2 following this plan, and the workouts are way harder but lower total volume than I'm used to.  The one thing I'm not used to is training only 4 days a week. On the up side, I don't feel nearly as trashed each weekend, and I'm hitting a little cardio in the evenings as the days get longer.

Will report some numbers during week 3.

The best part for me about getting a trainer is the opportunity to deflate my ego a little more and trust another person.  I trust Ed knows way more than I do. I trust that he will do his part to help me succeed. Now I have to doo my ppart and put in 100%  effort into the plan and diet.


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