26 APR: Fight Training

It's been a long time since I did a fight training workout. I have to say, that skill deteriorates faster than any other I've ever had. It may also be because I have been at a very high level in the past.

I kept all rounds at 2 minutes on, 1 minute rest.

  1. Jump rope: 3 rounds

  2. Straight punches: 1 round

  3. Lead kicks (left-lead stance): 1 round

  4. Lead kicks (right lead stance): 1 round

  5. Straight punches: 1 round

  6. Rear leg / round kicks (left-lead stance): 1 round

  7. Rear leg / round kicks (right-lead stance): 1 round

  8. Hooks: 2 rounds

  9. Full-on heavy bag work: 5 rounds

  10. Kali / Escrima drills with wooden baseball bat*: 4 rounds

Kali / Escrima drills with a bat:
This was a tremendous workout in and of itself, and was more fun than I've had in ages on the heavy bag. If you don't know, the Philippines are the birthplace opf stick fighting. They use light ratan sticks that are lightning fast and rock hard.

I don't own any rattan sticks, but my son has a wooden baseball bat, t-ball size, that is about the same length as Kali stick, but 10 times heavier. That added weight made for a rediculous conditioning effect. My shoulders feel great today, as do my forearms. Even my obliques are a little sore.

I would have stopped the workout sooner, but hearing the "POP!" and seeing the indentation from the bat was addictive!!!!

I may describe some Kali / Escrima drills with a bat in a future post.


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